Paasfeesten-Leuven only keeps personal data that it has explicitly received from the other party, e.g. by applying as member, as member of a workgroup, addresses of guest parents, … With each gathering of personal data, Paasfeesten-Leuven will mention the intended use of the data, or refer to this data policy. Other parties can always request to review the personal data that is stored by the organization.
The other party can request to not store certain data or remove them from the records, as long as the normal operations of the association is not compromised by this. If the data is essential for the normal operations of the association (e.g. name, surname, contact details), and the other party does not wish this data is stored, the executive board will evaluate how this might impact the normal operations of the association, and possible ask the other party to not further cooperate, or even advise the exclusion from membership.
Following data can be stored by the association, for different member groups (members, guests, guest parents, volunteers, …):
– Surname
– First name(s) and/or given name(s)
– e-mail address
– address
– date of birth/age
– phone number
– bank account number
– family relations (partner, father, mother, brother, sister, …)
– data explicitly shared by the other party in a questionnaire, e.g. guest parents sharing details about pets.
– Data explicitly shared by the other party as guest of the festival where needed for the organization, such as passport numbers, national security numbers, (food-)allergies or other medical conditions.
– Data about possible other associations the other party might be member of, in case that association works together with, or in case the info is needed for the organization.
Data will be available for those workgroups and/or members of the association as needed for the normal operations of their working group or the association. Following use of data is considered as normal use:
– (internal) communication (e-mail, phone number). For external communication, the organization tries where possible to have contact details of other parties

– Contact details of members of workgroups who have an important function, or need to be reachable during the festival might be spread broader (after approval)
– Sharing of physical addresses of e.g. guest parents towards guests, guides, …, as potentially sharing data that are important to organize qualitative stay of the guests (e.g. pets, food preferences and/or allergies, family relations, medical conditions…)
– Insurance purposes, requests of subsidy/funds/… with official instances/government.
– Payment of costs/expenses and/or receipt of payments.
– Lists needed for the normal organization, eg. Work organization lists, entrance list, subscription lists, communication lists, …

Paasfeesten-Leuven vzw sees a necessity of gathering and storing these data as needed for the normal operations of the association and its workgroups, and expects the other party (by sharing this data policy) to understand and agree the gathering and mentioned use of this data. Standardly, contact details (name, first name, address, e-mail, phone number, …) are gathered for longer period, to be able to contact e.g. honorary members at special events like lustrum editions. Other personal details are stored for a maximum of 2 years.
Each other use than the use mentioned above in this policy can only be done with explicit permission of the other party. This also means that the data will never be shared with other organizations, or used for other purposes than the normal use of the association.
The activities of Paasfeesten-Leuven vzw are seen as public events. This means that photo and/or video material taken during these events, with the goal of creating images of the atmosphere and activity (both during performances as social events) can be used by the organization, e.g. for promotion, social media, website, press releases. Any images taken of individual persons, or where people are extremely recognizable, can’t be used for these purposes unless explicit approval of the other party.
Privacy and Data Policy – as described in “Huishoudelijk Reglement Paasfeesten-Leuven vzw – dd 11/06/2018, Artikel 11 hidden towards other addressees.